Rising Main Replacement Blackalls Park1 WWPS

Blackalls Park 1 Rising main is a 200mm diameter CICL main approximately 600m long constructed in 1967. It discharges into a gravity sewer main 150m away from Toronto Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW). The rising main is located within both public and private land. There have been a total of fifteen rising main breaks recorded since […]
Curlewis Pipeline Project

TCM has won the tender to Curlewis pipeline. http://www.gunnedah.nsw.gov.au/index.php/council/keep-in-touch/latest-news-media/item/1354-construction-of-curlewis-pipeline-a-step-closer The $5.9 million Curlewis Pipeline Project will improve water quality, storage capacity and water security for the village. The Curlewis Pipeline Project involves the installation of a 15.8 kilometre pipeline from Wandobah Road, via Blackjack Forest Road, Booloocooroo and Preston roads to Curlewis, the construction of […]
TCM wins Gunnedah to Curlewis Pipeline
TCM was informed today they have won the tender to Curlewis pipeline. http://www.gunnedah.nsw.gov.au/index.php/council/keep-in-touch/latest-news-media/item/1354-construction-of-curlewis-pipeline-a-step-closer
TCM Civil achieves accreditation to new standards
TCM came through their certification audit for the new ISO standards 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems and 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems with flying colours. They also maintained their current certification in AS/NZS 4801:2001 OHS Management Systems. A great effort from all of the staff.
Belmont 6 Rising Main
Project finished a couple of weeks over the completion date but overall it was a excellent outcome for our client, Hunter Water Corporation, and TCM. Dewatering was a major issue but it was addressed by pumps supplied by Vortex. Environmental concerns were addressed with good site delineation and checking all silt fencing a couple times […]
TCM raises the bar. 3rd party system accreditation achieved.
TCM Civil’s Integrated Business Management System TCM Civil is proud of their Integrated Business Management System (IBMS). TCM has achieved third party certification for their Business Management System which comprises of the International and Australian Standards in ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems, AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management […]