Muswellbrook Supply & Installation of Water Distribution Points at Denman & Muswellbrook

Client: Muswellbrook Shire Council Install two water dispensing units to allow access to bulk water 24 hours per day 7 days per week from convenient locations at Muswellbrook and Denman. Excavation of concrete slab and kerb at Denman and construction of new pipeline for both sites into the proposed water units. Installation of ancillaries including […]
HWC CDU Network Upgrade – Delivery Bunds and Dosing Points
Client: Hunter Water Corporation Construction of delivery bunds and dosing points 11 Principal sites across the Hunter Region. Excavations and earthworks including access construction Demolition of any existing concrete structures and removal of rubble to approved waste facility. Supply and Install of concrete slab materials Concrete placement and finishing Supply and install of handrails Supply […]
Construction of Concrete Slabs for Pumping Station

Eraring Power Station / SNK Group Construction of 2 concrete slabs for cooling water pumping station and pump workshops. 20m x 10m x 0.6m and 20m x 8m x 0.6m.